출처 : http://us.aving.net/news/view.php?articleId=1245914&Branch_ID=us&rssid=naver&mn_name=news




Dael(www.dael.co.kr) showcased its portable solar power generator "Solar Guide" at the 12th International Green Energy Expo & Conference(IGEEC 2015), which runs April 1-3 at Daegu EXCO.

This product can be used anywhere and can be used as LED lamp. It supplies electricity with USB port.

Made in Korea, the solar module of this product is protected with tempered glass, making it durable. When the battery is replaced every three to four years, it can be used for more than 20 years. One charge lasts up to 10 hours.










Hosted by Daegu Metropolitan City and Gyeongsang Province, and organized by Korea New & Renewable Energy Association, Korea Photovoltaic Industry Association, Korea Wind Energy Industry Association, and Korea Hydrogen Industry Association, IGEEC is one of Asia's major new & renewable energy shows with the participation of 300 companies from 26 countries. Also, prepared with many business conferences and forums, it is expected to attract 25,000 visitors this year.

Global news network AVING News is IGEEC's global media partner for four consecutive years. AVING News is a news media that specializes in reporting the latest news on new products and technology.


(Video: IGEEC 2015 Video Sketch)




Global News Network 'AVING'
by Lee yoon (www.aving.net)


출처 : http://us.aving.net/news/view.php?articleId=1245914&Branch_ID=us&rssid=naver&mn_name=news


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